Snow use ~ I mean, 'S no use ~ trying to meet today
Hey, everybody, the weather outside is frightful, so we won't meet this morning after all. It's icy out there, and police are asking us to stay off the roads. I like what John wrote to us: "Looks like the Last Child in the Woods is now the First Kid in the Snow at my house. I hope you all get out in it today!"
We'll finish discussing Last Child in the Woods next week, so you have time to finish reading it, if you haven't already. In the meantime, enjoy the snow. If you have any children around, it's a great opportunity for them to enjoy nature in the white.
We'll finish discussing Last Child in the Woods next week, so you have time to finish reading it, if you haven't already. In the meantime, enjoy the snow. If you have any children around, it's a great opportunity for them to enjoy nature in the white.
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