We will start our next meeting on Jan. 11 at 8 a.m. at Thankful Memorial Episcopal Church. The Rev. Pat Cahill will welcome us. Dr. Pat Cahill, who retired from UTC a few years ago, has a background in environmental science. Here's a map link for directions to Thankful Memorial Episcopal. Coffee and danishes will be provided.
"More green, less screen!"
That's the line at the top of an ad for this book. Below the line is a photo of the author, Richard Louv. Of course, his "more green" is nature work, and the "less screen" is television/computer/video game work. He's got a point. The Kaiser Family Foundation reports that children spend more time (44.5 hours per week) in front of a computer, tv, or game screen than any other activity except for sleeping.
I grew up without television, computer, and video games. I played outdoors, indoors, and read books. Having four siblings, all younger, made play enjoyable. Today, so many families are one or two child families. And our families stay away from outdoors for fear of kidnappers and terrorists. For most Americans, we are a country paralyzed by a fear of the unknown~which includes nature~a sorry state for our children. I pray for a Green Revolution.
That's why I love what Olin Ivey is doing at Audubon Acres. He is appealing to children and families to come to an urban green place with a new marketing campaign and brochure.
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